Monitoring Docker Containers with Grafana, Loki, and Promtail

Abhiraj Thakur
6 min readNov 30, 2023


In this blog, I will teach :

  • How you can run Grafana, Loki, and Promtail using docker-compose.
  • How you can monitor the docker logs using Grafana


Make sure your system has the following tools installed

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

To install them use the below command:

  • Docker:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install
  • Docker Compose:
# Download Docker Compose Binary
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

#Make Binary Executable
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

#Add User to Docker Group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

#Verify Installation
docker-compose --version


To install the Grafana, Loki, and Promtail using Docker Compose we need two YAML files: docker-compose.yaml and loki-config.yaml.


version: '3'

image: grafana/loki:latest
- "3100:3100"
- loki-net

image: grafana/promtail:latest
- ./promtail-config.yaml:/etc/promtail/promtail-config.yaml
- loki-net
- loki

image: grafana/grafana:latest
- "3000:3000"
- loki-net
- loki

external: true



  • Loki: Uses the official Grafana Loki Docker image. It exposes port 3100 and connects to the “loki-net” network.
  • Promtail: Also uses the official Grafana Promtail Docker image. It mounts a local configuration file promtail-config.yaml into the container at /etc/promtail/promtail-config.yaml. It connects to the "loki-net" network and depends on the Loki service.
  • Grafana: Uses the official Grafana Docker image, exposes port 3000, sets the admin password to “admin” using an environment variable, and connects to the “loki-net” network. It depends on the Loki service.


  • loki-net: Declares a custom network named “loki-net” with the external: true flag. This suggests that the network is created externally (possibly before running this Docker Compose file) and is not managed by Docker Compose itself.


  • Specifies the version of the Docker Compose file format. In this case, it’s version 3.


http_listen_port: 9080
grpc_listen_port: 0

filename: /tmp/positions.yaml

- url: http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push

- job_name: system
- targets:
- localhost
job: varlogs
__path__: /var/log/*log

- job_name: docker
- targets:
- localhost
job: docker_logs
__path__: /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*-json.log


Server Configuration:

  • http_listen_port: 9080: Prometheus will listen for HTTP requests on port 9080.
  • grpc_listen_port: 0: Disables gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call) for this Prometheus server.

Positions Configuration:

  • filename: /tmp/positions.yaml: Specifies the file path where Prometheus will store the current positions in the logs. This information is used to resume scraping after a restart.

Clients Configuration:

  • - url: http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push: Configures Prometheus to push logs to Loki, a horizontally scalable, highly available log aggregation system.

Scrape Configurations:

System Job:

  • job_name: system: Defines a job named "system" to scrape metrics related to the system.
  • static_configs: Configures static targets to scrape.
  • - targets: - localhost: Prometheus will scrape metrics from the local machine.
  • labels: Specifies additional labels for the scraped data.
  • job: varlogs: Identifies this as a job for scraping metrics from /var/log directories.
  • __path__: /var/log/*log: Specifies the path pattern to match log files.

Docker Job:

  • job_name: docker: Defines a job named "docker" to scrape metrics related to Docker containers.
  • static_configs: Configures static targets to scrape.
  • - targets: - localhost: Prometheus will scrape metrics from the local machine.
  • labels: Specifies additional labels for the scraped data.
  • job: docker_logs: Identifies this as a job for scraping metrics from Docker containers.
  • __path__: /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*-json.log: Specifies the path pattern to match Docker container log files.

Before running these 2 configuration files we need to create the docker network loki-net, run the below command to create:

docker network create loki-net

Before you run the docker-compose.yaml or any other docker container, you need to do 2 more things:

1. Installing Docker Plugins:

Install the docker drivers for Docker and Grafana/Loki:

docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:2.9.1 --alias loki --grant-all-permissions

2.Configure Docker daemon.json:

At location /etc/docker/daemon.json paste the below code:

"log-driver": "loki",
"log-opts": {
"loki-url": "http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push",
"loki-batch-size": "400",

Restart the Docker service:

 sudo systemctl restart docker

Run the docker-compose.yaml:

docker-compose up -d

Running Docker containers:

Run the Docker images of your choice, whose logs you want to monitor. Here I am running the following Docker images:

  • Nginx
  • Todo
  • Reddit-clone

Monitoring Docker Containers logs in Grafana

  • Open the Grafana in your web browser running at port number 3000.

If you are opening Grafana for the first time use username: admin and password: admin.

Click on Add your first data source.

  • Choose Loki, as the data source. Loki is used for connecting the logs of an application.
  • Enter the name and connection URL, scroll down to test and save
  • Click on Add visualization in order to build the dashboard.
  • Select the desired data source.
  • Select the label, container_name select the value, i.e the running container name, let’s start with nginx logs:
  • Select the Logs as the Data visualization tool from the right side

Click on the run query.

  • This query returns the logs generated by the docker container, nginx.

You can also view logs based on a specific time frame of your choice; currently, it displays all the logs generated in the last 1 hour.

  • Now change the container_name to todo:

Logs generated for todo container:

  • Change the container_name to redditClone:

Logs Generated :

Now You can save this Dashboard.

  • Click on Save
  • Enter the Dashboard details like name, description and choose the folder to save the dashboard
  • Your Dashboard has been saved

You can change the dashboard, view it, and do some modifications in the dashboard.

Useful links if you get stuck:

- Youtube tutorial for setting up Grafana, Loki, and Promtail using Docker Compose and instaling Docker pluginm configuring:
Meet Grafana LOKI, a Log Aggregation System for EVERYTHING

- Grafana Offical Documentation:
Docker driver client

